Not every small business has a marketing budget like the bigger companies. More often than not, entrepreneurs don’t even have a lot of extra time to get the word out on their goods and services. These basic marketing strategies for novices have been designed to fill that gap.

Basic Marketing Strategies For Beginner

1.Optimize Your Content

Keywords attract clients. They need to be placed in strategic locations in the text on your website. Make sure they work with the topics your customers are searching for.

2. Advertise Online

Facebook Ads and Google Ads work great. These are cheaper than print, television and radio and they appeal to a wider audience.

3. Create a Call to Action Plan

Tell people exactly what you want them to do when they visit your site. The right Call To Action coverts visitors to sales.

4. Start a Blog

You can share specials and planned events on a blog. These are a great way to market in your own voice.

5. Publish a Book

Writing a book and self publishing it positions you as an expert in the field. Many business people even sell these on their websites.

6. Define Your Competition

This is the best way to make sure what you offer is different than your rivals in the same market. Doing a little research is invaluable.

7. Start Tweeting

Social media is free. It’s one of the best basic marketing strategies available. Posting on Twitter helps you to engage with you target market.

8. Create an Email Campaign

Putting together an email marketing campaign gets you out in front of your target audience. Everyone on your list will see your email  message from in their inbox.

9. Use Facebook Ads

These help you to get out in front of a big audience. You can target these to a specific market for optimal effect.

10.Give Stuff Away

Free access to a report or blog is a value added way to turn visitors into clients. Whether you’re online or in a brick and mortar store, free stuff attracts customers.

11. Limit Some Offers

The best basic marketing strategies can be traditional.  A limited time offer ramps up the scarcity of your goods and services.

12. Streamline Your Brand

Take the time to research who’s buying your goods and services. Then funnel your branding efforts to language and visuals that they want.

13. Test Campaigns

Social media is a great place to monitor campaign results. Look at reactions to a Facebook page that’s linked to your latest campaign.

14. Create a Newsletter

Newsletters are quick and easy way to keep a mailing list up to date about new products and services. MailChimp is one of the more popular templates.

15. Include High Quality Images & Videos

These capture your reader’s attention and need to be included in posts and any website content you use for marketing.

16. Run Contests

Engaging prospects is a great way to turn them into clients. A quiz, game or contest will grab the interest of visitors so you can get them on a mailing list.

17. Write Niche Articles

Becoming an expert in your industry is one of the best basic marketing strategies. Writing a series of articles for a trade publication positions  you as an expert and these can be serialized as blog posts for optimal effect.

18. Organize a Webinar

These are another great way to personalize basic marketing strategies. A webinar that details how your product works is a great idea.

19. Launch a Website

Regardless of the goods or services you’re selling, having a website is a prerequisite. Find a developer that can implement you vision.

20. Issue Press Releases

Whether you want to get the word out on events or new products, press releases work great. Make sure the topics are newsy and not too advertorial.

21. Broadcast on YouTube

Video needs to be part of any basic marketing strategies. Make an instructional video and place it on your website to win over prospects.

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